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    Webinars and Podcasts

    Featured Podcasts

    Life Healing Counseling with Michelle Holleman on the The Mentally Shredded Show with Christopher DeShawn Weedon.

    Understanding Betrayal Trauma with Dr. Tara Egan, on the podcast, One Day You’ll Thank Me.

    Porn Addiction Among Preteen and Teenage Children with Dr. Rob Weiss on the podcast Sex Addiction 101.

    Understanding the Impact of Sex Addiction on the Family System with Dr. Tara Egan, on the podcast, One Day You’ll Thank Me.


    Other Recommended Podcasts

    Sex, Love, and Addiction with Dr. Rob

    Overcoming Betrayal and Addiciton with Dr. Rob and Tami

    Sex, Love, and Addiction with Dr. David Fawcett – Healing conversations for men who have sex with men.


    Featured Webinars

    Michelle Holleman on Mother/Son Enmeshment

    In Sex and Intimacy Q&A,  Michelle fills in for regular host Dr. Rob Weiss. Michelle answers participant questions about sex, intimacy, addiction, betrayal, and mother enmeshment. This session was live via SexandRelationshipHealing.com on February 7, 2022.

    Michelle Holleman answers: What do parents need to know about tech and gaming?

    Michelle presents information and answers questions about what parents should know about internet pornography and gaming on sexandrelationshiphealing.com webinar series 9/16/2020

    Teens and Anxiety, Strategies for Anxious Situations

    Watch Michelle use simple strategies in real time to manage her own anxiety when her presentation is accidentally deleted during a live webinar for Trinity Prep High School.  3/3/21