Sex and Pornography Addiction Self Assessment
This sex and porn addiction test is a preliminary assessment tool. Your answers to the questions in this short quiz can help you, in conjunction with a licensed psychotherapist, identify issues that you may have with sex, porn, and love addiction. Answer each question by placing a check in the appropriate “yes” or “no” box.
1. Do you feel overly distracted by, obsessed with, or preoccupied by your sexual fantasies and behavior?
- Yes
- No
2. Do you ever have trouble stopping your sexual behavior, even when you have more important things to do?
- Yes
- No
3. After having sex (with self or others), do you sometimes feel depressed or regret it?
- Yes
- No
4. Have you made promises to yourself or another person to change aspects of your sexual behavior, only to break those promises later?
- Yes
- No
5. Did you experience abuse, neglect, or other serious trauma as a child or adolescent?
- Yes
- No
6. Do you look forward to events with family and/or friends being over so you can engage in sexual behavior?
- Yes
- No
7. Do you have trouble maintaining relationships once the sexual newness and intensity has worn off?
- Yes
- No
8. Have you ever kept secrets or lied about money and/or time spent on sex, porn, affairs, and similar behavior?
- Yes
- No
9. Do you sometimes regret the amount of time you spend with porn, webcams, hookup apps, and other forms of tech-driven sexual behavior?
- Yes
- No
10. Does your sexual behavior, real-world or online, interfere with your personal goals or create negative consequences in your work, community, or academic life?
- Yes
- No
11. Have your family, friends, or partner(s) ever worried or complained about your sexual behavior?
- Yes
- No
12. ** Does your sexual behavior potentially offend others, violate community standards, or place you in danger of arrest?
- Yes
- No
13. Do you ever find yourself “lost” in sexual fantasies and behavior as a way of coping with stress, boredom, loneliness, or other forms of emotional discomfort?
- Yes
- No
14. * Do you keep certain elements of your sexual behavior hidden from partners and/or friends?
- Yes
- No
15. Do you believe that porn use, casual sex, and similar behavior may have kept you from creating and maintaining a successful long-term intimate relationship?
- Yes
- No
16. Have you repeatedly engaged in unsafe or “risky” sex?
- Yes
- No
17. * Have you had certain kinds of sex (alone or with a partner) that you later regretted?
- Yes
- No
18. Does your sexual behavior ever leave you worried about or at risk of contracting or sharing sexually transmitted diseases?
- Yes
- No
19. Do you find yourself feeling restless, irritable, or discontent when you are unable to engage in certain sexual fantasies and activities?
- Yes
- No
20. Has your involvement with porn, hookup apps, sex/dating websites, and other online sexual environments become greater than your intimate contact with romantic partners?
- Yes
- No
21. Has anyone ever been hurt by lies and secrets related to your sexual behavior?
- Yes
- No
22. Do you ever feel compelled to seek out porn, hookups, and other forms of sexual activity, online or real world, even though you are trying to stop these behaviors?
- Yes
- No
23. Has the nature and/or intensity of your sexual fantasies and behavior escalated over time?
- Yes
- No
24. Do you find that you spend more time with sexual fantasies and behavior than you would like?
- Yes
- No
25. ** Have you ever been approached by the police, arrested, or charged with a crime related to your sexual behavior?
- Yes
- No
0-1 Yes Responses
Thank you for taking our sex and porn addiction self-test. Based on your responses, we think that you are probably not dealing with sex or porn addiction. You may have sexual concerns that you need or want to discuss with a therapist, but sex and porn addiction are probably not driving those issues.
2-3 Yes Responses
Thank you for taking our sex and porn addiction self-test. Based on your responses, we think you may be at-risk for developing sex or porn addiction. We suggest that you explore your “yes” answers with a certified sex addiction therapist.
3 or more Yes Responses
Thank you for taking our sex and porn addiction self-test. Based on your responses, it is probable that you are dealing with sex or porn addiction. If you have not already explored treatment and healing options like therapy, coaching, and 12-step sexual recovery, we encourage you to do so, the sooner the better. The longer you wait, the worse it gets.
* Your answer to any question with an asterisk may be related to an ego-dystonic (unwanted) pattern of sexual arousal. For instance, people with same-sex attractions sometimes feel badly about that, which might cause them to answer yes to a few of the questions in this screening instrument. That said, sexual addiction is unrelated to who or what it is that turns a person on. Things like homosexuality and fetish behavior are not, per se, indicators of sexual addiction. This is one of the reasons it is important to discuss the results of this screening test with a licensed professional who can help you separate addictive (obsessive, out of control, problem causing) behavior from behavior that is not addictive but still creates emotional discomfort for you.
** An affirmative answer to questions 12 or 25, regarding illegal sexual behavior, is always a problem. If you answered yes to either of these questions, you should seek confidential advice from a licensed professional skilled in handling such issues. Before doing this, be aware that psychotherapists and other helping professionals (including lawyers) may have reporting requirements (that can vary from state to state) related to illegal sexual behaviors. Please learn about the reporting laws in your state before speaking to a professional in detail about your challenges.
Original version by Robert Weiss, LCSW, CSAT-S and Patrick J. Carnes, PhD., 2010
This version Copyright © 2018, Robert Weiss LCSW, CSAT-S.